Federal Republic of Banana
Episode 2

There it was, what used to be a heap of banana is now a heap a heap of banana peels. A thousand monkey soldiers had eaten half of the banana reserves in less than a month! Of course no one knew because the military was a perfect one - perfect soldiers with perfect discipline. 

The day for the census came and all citizens of bananaland gathered -men and monkeys alike. The census was carried out and it was discovered that there was more citizens than bananas. The men were so happy because the results meant a republic was on the horizon. But the monkeys were sad because their lovely monkey king would have to abdicate the throne. 
The banana king decided to cancel the census as he said 'the results of this census is not perfect, a fresh census is to be conducted to show a perfect result for perfect bananland'. 'Power corrupts and perfect power corrupts perfectly', a wise man yelled with anger from behind. 'We must fight for our children, ourselves and our stomach' he emphasised. 'Soon our children will have no  banana to eat, we wont have enough banana to eat and our stomach wont have enough banana to digest, its time to take the banana by the horn' He ended. Suddenly there was chaos in bananaland as men and monkeys threw banana peels at the banana king.
The banana king was rushed away as the perfect military took over the streets of bananaland to bring normalcy to the land they said. 

The next thing on the news was that the banana king had been dethroned by the military. The whole kingdom was divided as some wanted the banana king to continue, while others want the military. 'Indeed a David is in the military' one wise man wrote on the newspaper, while another wrote 'the beginning of a great bananaland: banana for all. 

The military monkey was from a popular tribe which made him to gain popularity among the citizens of bananaland. All bananalarian felt save for a few days, before the ended started as...

Episode 3 would be uploaded next... You can also read other stories like life in boarding school. 


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